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Shaving a Baby's Hair Makes Thicker, Myth or Fact

Some parents are worried about Little Hair's thin growth. Many later believe that shaving the Little Hair will make hair grow thicker. Is this assumption true or just a myth? When a baby is born, no one knows how their hair type is. Do babies have thin, thick hair types, or even no hair at all. However, many parents crave their children's hair thick and strong.

Changes in Hair Volume in Babies

Generally baby's hair will experience changes until the age of one year. It may be that at birth the baby has thick, thick hair, but a few months later it will fall out and become thin. This can be caused by hormonal factors. Another factor that can also affect the baby's position is more supine, causing friction of the head with the mattress which causes loss in the back of the head area. But not to worry, the hair loss will decrease by itself when the baby's age increases and a lot of activities are carried out. Baby hair will usually grow back around the age of six months, although some new babies will grow hair thicker at the age of three years or more. Until now, not a few parents who still believe that your baby's hair will grow thick after being shaved off. Unfortunately such an assumption is only a myth and not true, because until now there has been no strong evidence to support it. Keep in mind the texture, color, and pattern of growth of baby's hair does not depend on the process of shaving the hair. The type of hair your child has depends on genetic, ethnic and hormonal factors.

Stimulate Baby Hair Growth

To help stimulate baby's hair growth, there are several things you can do. First, exclusive breastfeeding with a healthy and balanced diet. Then after the baby gets complementary foods, make sure they contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Besides being beneficial for hair growth, it will also support overall growth and development. Massaging the scalp can also be done to stimulate baby's hair growth. Massage her head gently and slowly using olive oil or baby oil. Massage can stimulate blood circulation in the scalp to provide nutrients to the hair roots.

Tips for Maintaining Baby Hair Health

Whatever type of hair your little one has, the most important thing is to pay attention to the cleanliness and health of their hair. Here's how to prevent baby's hair from becoming dry and damaged:
  • Shampoo as needed

  • Infants under the age of 6 months don't usually release much oil on their scalp, so they don't need to wash their hair every day, just once a week. When he gets older, shampoo his hair more often as needed or when his hair is somewhat oily. As for the little one whose hair has not yet grown, it is advisable to incubate it using shampoo to avoid the baby's scalp which can be oily and cradle cap appears. However, do not be too often to rub the baby so that the scalp does not become too dry and make it itchy.
  • Prevents frizz

  • Usually if your baby's hair is thick and curly, it will tend to tangle easily. To avoid this, after shampooing, conditioner can be given with a baby-friendly formulation. Don't forget to tidy her hair first using a soft comb before rinsing the conditioner.
  • Avoid excessive accessories

  • Usually mothers will be exasperated to see baby girl hair decorated with various accessories. But be careful when using these accessories. For example, the use of hair clips or other hair accessories that might be sharp or potentially hurt the baby when worn. Also avoid pigtails, because too tight pigtails can make hair fall out. It is better if this is done after stepping on the age of five.
Whatever the type of hair Little, straight or curly, no need to worry about the thickness of the hair. The most important thing is to pay attention to the cleanliness and health of your baby's hair.


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