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Be Careful, There is a Risk of Using a Neck Buoy for Babies

Seeing a baby swimming in a tiny swimsuit is adorable. Meanwhile, it's not complete to feel safe if you don't use a baby float on the baby. But, apparently there is a risk behind the neck buoy. Babies can be invited to swim to play water around the age of 6 months, although that doesn't mean they can practice swimming right away. This is to avoid being exposed to the skin. Especially when taken to a public swimming pool filled with germs and can be dangerous for babies if accidentally swallowed.

Risks of Using a Neck Buoy

Some parents choose to use a life vest on their baby when they ask him to swim. With the hope that the tool makes the Little One safe in the water so as not to drown. This neck float is also often used by some baby spas while soaking. In fact, these aids have no benefits and can even pose a risk to babies. Neck float shaped like a ring or ring has the potential to cause strain on the baby's neck and can cause neck injury. Indeed there is no research that states the tool is detrimental, but there is no benefit in using it. Actually, parents must avoid all life buoys that contain wind, including the life vest, because these tools are not included devices that can replace the life jacket. Additional life buoys like that can deflate and are not designed to keep the baby who is swimming safe, so that your little one could sink. Although neck buoy manufacturers have thickened plastic buoy makers, according to experts there is no safe product if there is air in it. Pediatricians also warn parents to be careful about using a neck float because it can cover your baby's eyes.

Stay Safe When Swimming

Swimming is known to have many benefits, including in infants. A study shows, babies who are often invited to swim can help him be more confident and smart. The movements made on both sides of his body help build nerve cells throughout his brain. Besides swimming can also be Another benefit that results from swimming in infants is that it helps develop reading, language, academic, and spatial awareness. Children who swim frequently will have much more physical and mental development than those who have never swam. However, swimming also has a known risk of drowning as a leading cause of injury and death in children under 5 years of age. Here are ways you can do to keep infants and children safe in water during swimming:
  • Do not leave even if only briefly while in the water, both in swimming pools, bathtubs, spas, or other water facilities.
  • Parents must always accompany and supervise. Babies must be within the reach of a parent's arm, so that in an emergency they can do rescue, CPR, and ask for help from others.
  • All children must wear the recommended safety device.
  • If you are on the beach, choose a beach that has lifeguards or lifesavers that can help if there is bad weather, high tides or strong currents.
It's a good idea to reconsider the use of a neck float for babies. The important thing is to keep watching and watching while in the water.


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