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Is it safe to get a manicure and pedicure when pregnant

Healthy and strong nails describe the condition of hygiene and health of a person. Including pregnant women, must continue to take care of the health of their hands and feet. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to do manicures and pedicures in the salon. It's just that some pregnant women feel worried that nail care can bring risks to the health of herself and the baby in the womb.

Risk of infection and exposure to chemical substances

It is OK to do a manicure or pedicure in a salon for pregnant women, as long as the salon practices hygiene well and sterilizes the equipment to be used. This can reduce the risk of skin and nail infections. This infection can appear immediately after a person completes treatment or after weeks and even months later. Types of infections that commonly arise from manicure and pedicure treatments in salons include:
  • Fungal infections

  • Nail fungus infection is characterized by discoloration of the nail to yellow. It might also be that your nails will come off or break their fingers. Treatment is given by administering nail fungus in the form of oral or topical medications.
  • Virus infection

  • Plantar warts that grow on the soles of the feet are HPV virus infections that can be spread through treatment of pedicures in the salon. These warts can appear in a different color from the surrounding skin color, and can be treated with special topical medications.
  • Bacterial infection

  • Starting with swelling, redness, or burning sensation on the skin around the nails. Treatment for bacterial infections is usually with antibiotics, or an incision must be made by a doctor to remove residual fluid / pus from the infected area.
In addition, pregnant women need to be aware of chemicals that are often found in most nail care products, namely volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Although these chemicals can be absorbed by the skin or swallowed accidentally, danger will arise when these chemicals are inhaled. This material can evaporate in the air quickly, so that good air ventilation can help reduce the risk of interference due to VOC materials. Also note, whether pregnant women 's nail care products contain toluene which can cause dizziness and reproductive disorders, as well as carcinogenic formaldehyde (can cause cancer). These ingredients are usually used as preservatives. In addition, the substance dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which is known to cause reproductive disorders, is also likely to cause disorders of the body's organs and endocrine system.

Tips on Preventing the Negative Effects of Nail Care

Pregnant women do not need to immediately avoid the treatment of manicure and pedicure nails. However, pay attention to several things to prevent the negative effects of the treatment, including:
  • Make sure the tools used are sterilized

  • The use of manicure and pedicure tools must be properly sterilized, using special sterilizers. While equipment that is not made of metal, it should only be used once. Tubs to soak feet when doing pedicures must also be kept clean and sterilized. If you have wounds, insect bites, scratches, or other open wounds, you should not do pedicures in the salon because microorganisms from the foot bath can enter the body. To be more secure, you can bring your own equipment such as nail clippers and cuticle scissors from home when going to the manicure and pedicure process in the salon. This is done to reduce the risk of transmitting the infection.
  • Asking officers to use new gloves

  • Salon workers who do nail care must use new gloves. Ask your cuticles not to be cut or pressed to protect your nails against bacteria and fungi. It is better for officers to also have special / trained certificates.
  • Pay close attention to the air ventilation system in the salon

  • Although there are a variety of chemicals in the salon, there is no evidence that a brief exposure during the manicure and pedicure process can harm the baby. It's just a pungent odor that often makes some mothers become nauseous. For this reason, it is important to choose a salon with a good ventilation system. Pregnant women can also choose a salon with air conditioning or fan facilities so that they do not breathe steam directly from the chemicals used.
C'mon, be more careful before you do nail care at the salon during pregnancy. However, if you are still concerned about the safety of the treatment, ask your doctor for advice first.


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