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Pay Attention To This Before Applying Baby-Led Weaning

When your little one turns 6 months, it's time to introduce complementary foods (MPASI) to him. Maybe Mother was interested in using the Baby-led weaning (BLW) method when feeding her. Before using this method, first pay attention to the important things about BLW. Baby-led weaning (BLW) was first popularized in the UK and has now been done in various countries. BLW is an alternative method of giving MPASI without giving soft foods such as puree, porridge or soup to the baby. At BLW, the baby will be left to feed alone without feeding it with a spoon.

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of BLW

Perhaps many parents who without realizing it already use the BLW method on the Little One. This is common in second or later children, when they see and imitate their older siblings while eating together. He will try to take food from the plate and bribe his own food into his mouth. In general, parents who apply the BLW method argue that Little can eat anything without having to feel fear and difficulty when starting a more solid food. Although there has been no evidence about this, but Little can easily receive family food. In addition there are several other benefits of the BLW method such as:
  • Can practice chewing skills on the Little One.
  • Introducing a variety of foods to babies, so they can explore the taste, texture, aroma, and color.
  • Building healthy eating habits with family.
However, this BLW method also has the disadvantage of a messy and wasteful eating process. Imagine when a baby eats while playing by throwing food on the floor so that much food is wasted and makes the necessary nutrients will be reduced. In addition, babies may also still have difficulty chewing on some foods such as less tender meat, even though the food is a source of iron which is also needed by the baby. Because, since the age of six months babies need iron that comes from food, not just from breast milk.

Tips for Implementing the BLW Method

The most important thing in running BLW is to always accompany your child. This is to avoid your child choking on food when eating whole foods. So that the BLW method can run optimally, pay attention to the following tips before giving food to your child.
  • Paying attention to the readiness of the Little One

  • Don't force the BLW method on Little One, wait until he is ready. Signs that can be clearly seen are when the baby's neck is strong and can sit in a chair without help. Babies also appear to be able to move food to the back of their mouth using upper and lower jaw movements.
  • Use a special dining chair

  • Let your child sit in a special dining chair for babies, so he used to eat in its place. Don't forget to be watched while you eat, even if he can eat alone.
  • Keep giving milk

  • Even though they can eat BLW, breastfeeding or formula milk must be continued, because the biggest source of nutrition for children aged 10-12 months comes from here. Breastfeeding can be done between meals.
  • Start with soft food

  • Introduce soft foods such as ripe fruit, egg yolks, fish that have been cut into small pieces, soft shredded meat, cereals, pasta, and vegetables that have been cooked to make it easier to eat, for example by steaming.
  • Prepare food that is easy to hold

  • Give food that has been cooked and tender and cut to length or commonly called finger food. This form of food is the easiest to give when applying the BLW method to your child. Because the shape is long and thin making it easy to hold or hold.
  • Do not give food that can make you choke

  • Some types of food may be inappropriate if given to introduce types of food at the start of MPASI, for example raisins, strawberries or whole grapes, hard or lumpy fruits and vegetables, corn and uncooked meat.
  • Pay attention to food nutrition

  • Feeding both conventional methods (granting porridge and puree) or BLW, both must be equally concerned with nutrient intake. In the food provided must contain high calories and contain iron, zinc, protein, and healthy fats to support the growth process and body endurance.
  • Eating together

  • The easiest way to implement BLW is to let your child eat together at the dining table with other family members.
The choice of the BLW method is left again to each parent, as well as paying attention to the child's readiness. If necessary, consult a doctor before doing BLW.


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